Acabadinhos de se estrearem, e com sucesso, nas lides discográficas, os britânicos Friendly Fires, autores de alguns dos singles mais viciantes do ano passado, já pensam seriamente no sucessor, e já andam em experimentação sonora, brincando com vectores da era dourada da house.
Aqui ficam as palavras de Jack Savidge :
-"we've got some ideas knocking around, that we came up with back in January. Hopefully we're going to get back on it in between Europe and America.
-"We've got about a week, so hopefully we'll have something finished, but you can never really predict these things!".
-"The stuff we've done so far sounds typically euphoric, and it continues in that vein. We find it hard to make music that people can't dance to, because it seems to be hard-wired into us!"
-"We've got about a week, so hopefully we'll have something finished, but you can never really predict these things!".
-"The stuff we've done so far sounds typically euphoric, and it continues in that vein. We find it hard to make music that people can't dance to, because it seems to be hard-wired into us!"
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