quarta-feira, 2 de julho de 2008

L.E.S Artistes#12


Cai Guo-Qiang is internationally acclaimed as an artist whose creative transgressions and cultural provocations have literally exploded the accepted parameters of art making in our time. Drawing freely from ancient mythology, military history, Taoist cosmology, extraterrestrial observations, Maoist revolutionary tactics, Buddhist philosophy, gunpowder-related technology, Chinese medicine, and methods of terrorist violence, Cai’s art is a form of social energy, constantly mutable, linking what he refers to as “the seen and unseen worlds

2 comentários:

PorkChop Express disse...

Paxxxeco!!!!...Mais uma vez brindaste-nos com um artista extraordinário. Obtigado pelo link...

paxxxeco disse...

Este gajo é um crazy bastard de excelência, as instalações do gajo são visualmente soberbas e poderosas, e acima de tudo originais e únicas!Bem haja, e que prossiga, pois continuaremos atentos...