terça-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2009

Beastie Boys new Lp details

Os Beastie Boys, que se preparam para regressar após o modesto The Mix-Up de 2007, trazem à baila algumas informações e detalhes sobre o próximo Lp baptizado de Tadlock’s Glasses (em honra de um antigo motorista da banda, que se chamava Tadlock, e que no início da sua carreira transportara Elvis que certo dia lhe ofereceu os seus óculos...OK):
“We’re tweaking some mixes and we’re going to master it in the next couple of weeks,”
“There are a lot of songs on the record and there are a lot of short songs, and they kind of all run into each other. It’s a combination of playing and sampling stuff as we’re playing, and also sampling pretty obscure records.”
"expect a very wordy album this time around"
"the record is political, depending on what you call political.”


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