Os Junior Boys, que anunciaram recentemente o seu regresso à frente de batalha, com o novo e deveras desejado por muitas famílias com carência de vitamina B, sob o nome de Begone Dull Care... dão-nos agora detalhes sobre o processo de construção, e as influências que originaram o seu terceiro Lp:
Aqui ficam as sábias palavras de Jeremy Greenspan:
-"Begone Dull Care, is about making music, the unpredictability of it, the imperfection of the conditions, the sense of discovery...unstable instruments and unstable ideas."
-"I was listening to a lot of stuff while making this record," ..."But three types of music really dominated my thinking: 70s MOR easy listening rock stuff like Steely Dan, Carol King, Dr John, Neil Young, Eddie Kendricks, proto disco stuff like early Tom Moulton and Patrick Adams productions, and a huge amount of, I guess you would call it early electronic music. Stuff like Laurie Spiegel and Jean Claude Risset from Bell Labs, Delia Debyshire, Steven Reich, Todd Dockstader, Hugh LeCaine, Alvin Lucier..."
E para finalizar de forma brilhante...Kelley Polar contribui...e Prins Thomas remixa....
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