Andava para aqui a congratular-me com as melhores notícias do ano até agora, com o regressos de Gui Boratto/The Field/Junior Boys/Royksoop, entre tantos outros...até que o sorriso rasgado inverteu o sentido, quando me deparei com a desoladora notícia do término dos Silver Jews!
David Berman, poeta, autor, cantor, e líder da banda, que viveu momentos conturbados e de abismo ao longo da sua vida, sendo criador de obras de puro génio, escreveu ontem no seu site aquilo que muita gente, e eu, não queríamos ler:
Hello, my friend.
Cassie and I went to the cave and it looks great. 58 degrees but the humidity makes it feel like 72.
I'm just going to play fifteen songs. My fifteen favorite ones.
A dollar per song. Plus Arnett Hollow. I don't
want to keep you underground for too long. Fall Creek Falls State Park State Lodge is great by the way.
Yes I cancelled the South American shows. I'll have to see the ABC Countries another way.
I guess I am moving over to another category. Screenwriting or Muckraking.
I've got to move on. Can't be like all the careerists doncha know.
I'm forty two and I know what to do.
I'm a writer, see?
Cassie is taking it the hardest. She's a fan and a player but she sees how happy i am with the decision.
I always said we would stop before we got bad. If I continue to record I might accidentally write the answer song to Shiny Happy People.
What, you thought I was going to hang on to the bitter end like Marybeth Hamilton?
love david
Podem confirmar no site da banda, como tenho feito para ver se é ilusão óptica...Silver Jews
p.s-Vou marcar para o psicólogo...até já!
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