Segundo o site Film School Rejects, este filme roubou o show no dia que foi exibido. Aqui fica um excerto do que foi dito "This topsy-turvy tale of unrequited love is filled to the brim with energy and charm, mostly by the dynamic performances of its two leads. Zooey Deschanel is ever enchanting, brimming with confidence and quirky as ever. And as the rule goes (my rule), if Zooey stars in a movie and sings, it is always going to be worth seeing. And in 500 Days, she does sing a little bit. Of course, her singing is handily upstaged by the dancing of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In what can only be described as a clever, unconventional diversion, Gordon-Levitt dances through the streets of Los Angeles in one of the most jubilant and fun numbers since Ferris Bueller serenaded us from the top of a float in downtown Chicago. It is a departure for Gordon-Levitt, whom I have personally praised time and time again for his dramatic works (Brick and The Lookout, for example). But together with Deschanel, he is certain to charm audiences with an almost overwhelming amount of cute moments."

Esta pelicula parece ser uma lufada de ar fresco no género comédia romântica, se é que se pode chamar isso a este filme. Será que chamamos ao "Juno" ou ao "Garden State" comédias românticas? Tem de se encontrar um novo termo para filmes deste calibre. A sinopse do filme é a seguinte: "Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Tom, a greeting card copywriter who believes in love, fate and destiny, and Zooey Deschanel as Summer, the girl he falls in love with, who doesn’t believe in such fantastical concepts. The film begins with a warning that “This is the story of boy meets girl, but this is not a love story”, which is partly a lie. The film takes place during the 500 days of their “relationship”, but is told out of order using an ingenius fragmented framing device. The film begins not with how Tom and Summer met, but their break-up. A break-up which totally devastates Tom and throws him into a deep depression. He keeps thinking back to their 500 days “together” to try to figure out where things went wrong."
Aqui fica o trailer desta pequena maravilha...
P.S: Digam lá se este trailer não os põe bem dispostos e com uma energia bastante positiva.
Beijinhos, abraços e muitos palhaços...
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