quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2009

Inspirações para o novo Lp dos Radiohead

Colin Greenwood, o baixista dos Radiohead, disse em entrevista esta semana que o novo material em que a banda se debruça neste momento, é influenciado por:
Rufo de Tambores...................
- Kraftwerk (não me surpreende, e é uma bendita inspiração).
"We're currently playing with Kraftwerk here in South America and it's been very inspiring to see them every night and hear their timeless and beautiful melodies...Their conceptual approach to music is inspiring. Writing songs about industry, leisure, technology. Plus their reworking and rewriting of 'Radio-Activity' s so that it's become an anti-nuclear protest song is the most intense moment of their fantastic set."
-Sepultura (what daaa fuuuuuuuccccc???? Thom Yorke de longa peruca, trajado a negro e coberto de adereços aguçados?... maldita inspiração). Acalma-te rapaz que não há razões para a parvovirose.
"We watched Sepultura a few years ago at a Dutch festival lay low all before them with their dark Brazilian candoble music - Brazilian voodoo. They played with rainforest instruments made of palm twine and beans. It wasn't as loud, but it was quite disturbing.
"On the ehtnic instrument tip, Jonny picked up a tormento in Chil. I haven't seen it, I've just heard it rattle from inside a very big yellow plastic bag. It's like a washboard tambourine, I think. But Thom won't let him play it on 'Reckoner'!".
Até se podem inspirar em Hannah Montana, que lá estarei de cartolina em riste.

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