quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Girl Talk quer ser homenzinho

Greg Gillis (Girl Talk) podia, e devia, trabalhar para a NASA, isto porque consegue condensar grande parte do património musical (bom e mau) deste globo numa pequena rodela, e a lançar algum Lp para o espaço, bem poderia ser os dois trabalhos de sua autoria (assim poupava-se nos portes de envio).
Depois de duas Wikipédias sonoras, Greg Gillis, pondera seriamente em evoluir no que diz respeito à estrutura da sua música, isto é, domá-la e ensiná-la a respirar, e personalizá-la ao invés de a retalhar como bom talhante que é:
-“I’m interested in working on individual songs — kind of in the style I’ve been doing but with actual repetition, as opposed to linear structure and stuff like that, some elements with a verse-and-chorus sort of structure, as opposed to going through 50 minutes of change-ups the entire time. I want to evolve and keep refining.”
- “Every day I cut up music. I try not to be concerned with what will be on an album. I just try to come up with small ideas I introduce into the [live] set, and I’ll eventually get to the point where I say, ‘Okay, here’s this slightly new sound. I feel like there’s some evolution.’ I’m interested in putting out music, and it’s always nice to give people music.”

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