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Trail of Dead (que já agora bem podiam regressar ao vigor de
Source Tags & Codes), de nome
The Century of Self , que sairá a 17 de Fevereiro, pela editora da banda, Justice records:
The Century of Self:
01 Giants Causeway
02 Far Pavilions
03 Isis Unveiled
04 Halcyon Days
05 Bells of Creation
06 Fields of Coal
07 Inland Sea
08 Luna Park
09 Pictures of an Only Child
10 Insatiable One
11 Ascending
12 An August Theme
13 Insatiable Two
Alinhamento para o próximo dos
The Hazards of Love, que contará com a gloriosa presença de Shara Worden dos My Brightest Diamond, Becky Stark dos adoráveis Lavender Diamond, Jim James dos My Morning Jacket, Robyn Hitchcock, e Rebecca Gates dos Spinanes.
The Hazards of Love sai a 24 de Março pela Capitol, e tem a seguinte condução:
Hazards of Love:
01 Prelude
02 The Hazards of Love 1 (The Prettiest Whistles Won't Wrestle the Thistles Undone)
03 A Bower Scene
04 Won't Want for Love (Margaret in the Taiga)
05 The Hazards of Love 2 (Wager All)
06 The Queen's Approach
07 Isn't It a Lovely Night?
08 The Wanting Comes in Waves / Repaid
09 An Interlude
10 The Rake's Song
11 The Abduction of Margaret
12 The Queen's Rebuke / The Crossing
13 Annan Water
14 Margaret in Captivity
15 The Hazards of Love 3 (Revenge!)
16 The Wanting Comes in Waves (Reprise)
17 The Hazards of Love 4 (The Drowned)
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