What: short movie
Title: "Command-Z"
Who: Kris Wong, Daniel Chang, Michael Relth and Andrew Tan
Story:"A futuristic designer (code name: Z) infiltrates the mega-design corporation headed by Commander C. Z battles the designer drone army in a no-holds barred action thrill ride, packed with explosions, decapitations, and martial arts mayhem."
Command + Z from Kris Wong on Vimeo.
Title: "Command-Z"
Who: Kris Wong, Daniel Chang, Michael Relth and Andrew Tan
Story:"A futuristic designer (code name: Z) infiltrates the mega-design corporation headed by Commander C. Z battles the designer drone army in a no-holds barred action thrill ride, packed with explosions, decapitations, and martial arts mayhem."
Command + Z from Kris Wong on Vimeo.
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